
Born in Vigo, Spain (1978). Works and lives in Madrid.

His artwork is intuitive and multidisciplinary (painting, sculpture, installation, wall painting), he could even combine several techniques in the same piece. His dynamic compositions start from figuration and anthropomorphic forms to become abstract images. He overlaps and mixes parts of human bodies in precarious balance. In his latest works, the image is distorted, as it tends to further decompose the human figure, reducing it to basic parts such as noses, mouths or eyes that reinforce that sense of abstraction.


He conceives oniric scenarios, combining symbolic elements that frequently appears in his artworks: brick walls, perforated wire fences, broken wooden palisades … Objects that speak of intrusion and transgression, acting as some kind of mask. Barriers that suggest or hide a truth, giving clues but avoiding clarifying the painted (or sculpted) reality. Sort of ambiguity that is the most important characteristic of Nano's work.


After studying fine arts and passing through a brief formative stage in London, in such prestigious schools as Saint Martins School of Arts and the London College of Printing, he moves to Madrid in 2004 where he develops his work as an artist, exhibiting in galleries and participating in different projects both in Spain and abroad, bringing inside his own experience working outdoors and questioning personal subjects in a strange context.

Within projects in which Nano has participated we could highlight «Planet Prozess» in Berlin, the exhibition Urbanitas in the MARCO museum of Vigo, Street Art in the Tate Modern in London, Crossing Borders/Crossing Boundaries in the SAM Museum of San Petersburgo or Venturing Beyond in the Sommerset House of Londres, among many others.
Nano is part of the artistic team «Equipo plástico», along with Eltono, Sixe Paredes and Nuria Mora.


2024. Fantasmas otra vez. Delimbo Gallery. Seville, Spain.

2020. Double Edged (Doble solo show con Hell’O Collective). Galería Avenue Des Arts. Los Ángeles

2018. Turno de noche. Delimbo Gallery. Madrid
2014. Nuevas Buenas Nuevas, Delimbo Gallery, Sevilla
2013. Hipérbole.Sabotaje.Abracadabra, Watdafac Gallery, Madrid
2012. Caballo Caballo Tigre Tigre (Con el Equipo Plástico), Migas Pop Up Gallery, Pekín, China
2011.Un Gran Éxito, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Unión Fenosa, A Coruña 2010. Entre la Silla y la Madre - 10 días con La Sultana del Norte (Con el Equipo Plástico), Alianza Francesa, Monterrey, México
2009. La Cuadrada - Visión caleidoscópica en la ciudad de Lima (Con el Equi- po Plástico),Centro Cultural de España, Lima
2008. El Fin Del Principio, Galería Ad-Hoc, Vigo
2005. Nano4814, Galería Ad-Hoc (Espacio Calexón de Nuñez), Vigo
2005. S/T, Montana Gallery, Barcelona


2023. 3:33, Bay Projects, Lima, Peru
2023. The Strangest Collection, Cerquone Gallery, Madrid
2022. Relaciones Públicas, Cerquone Gallery, Caracas; Venezuela
2022. I Don´t Wanna Be I Am (Expo itinerante Ink and Movement), Underdogs Gallery, Lisboa
2022. Erretratu, SC Gallery, Bilbao
2022. I Don´t Wanna Be I Am (Expo itinerante Ink and Movement), Corey Helford, Los Angeles
2021. Cultivar Incertezas, CGAC - Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea, Santiago de Compostela
2021. Hi How Are You?, Cerquone Gallery, Madrid
2021. Friends and Family vol. IV, Delimbo Gallery, Sevilla
2020. Dream Machine, Fluorescent Smogg, Bristol
2020. Without Warning, Avenue des Arts Gallery, Los Angeles
2018. IAM Friends, Kreisler Gallery, Madrid
2018. Resistance X, SC Gallery, Bilbao
2017. Sbagha Bagha, Casablanca, Morocco
2017. Postdicotomias, VAVA Gallery, Madrid
2016. Feature Walls, Sheffield, Reino Unido
2016. Venturing Beyond, Somerset House, London
2016. Crossing Borders / Crossing Boundaries, SAM Museum, San Petersburgo 2016. Venturing Beyond, Graffiti and the Everyday Utop. Somerset House, Londres 2016. Casa Leibniz, Madrid
2016. Friends and Family, Delimbo Gallery, Sevilla
2015. On Paper 2, SC Gallery, Bilbao

2015. Bien Urbain, Besançon, France
2014. Knock Knock, Galeria Javier Lopez, Madrid2013, Intersektions, Space HW, Paris
2013. Presente Continuo, Centro Cultural Conde Duque, Madrid
2012. A2 A3 A6 M30, Vava Gallery, Madrid
2012. Hecho en Madrid, Galería Delimbo, Sevilla
2011. Isto É Agora, A normal, A Coruña
2009. After the Revoultion, Observatori, Valencia
2008. Afinidades Selectivas, Casa Galega da Cultura, Vigo
2008. Street Art Walking Tour, Street Art, Tate Modern, Londres

2008. Nomadaz - A mediterranean Art Conection, Scion Installation Space, Los Angeles
2008. Latexos Inversos, Museo de Arte Contemporanea da Bienal de Cervei- ra, Vilanova de Cerveira, Portugal

2007. Planet Prozess, Artitude, Berlín
2007. Bestial, Iguapop Gallery, Barcelona
2006. Urbanitas, MARCO, Museo Arte Contemporánea de Vigo, Vigo 2005, Urban Edge Show, Espazio P4, Milán



2008. Beca de Creación en el extranjero Unión Fenosa, A Coruña
2006. Novos Valores, Museo de Pontevedra, Edificio Sarmiento, Pontevedra (Selección)
2002. II Premio Auditorio de Galicia para xoves artistas, Auditorio de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela (Selección)

Obra en Museos y Colecciones

Museo Arte Contemporánea Unión Fenosa, A Coruña Colección Caixanova
Varias colecciones particulares.
